Academic Honesty
A set of values that promote personal integrity and good practice in learning and assessment.
Student Expectations
- be honest in presenting all work
- know what constitutes cheating and how to abide by rules of academic honesty
- acknowledge help from parents, other students, and friends
- say "no" to students who want to copy their work
- understand that their teachers value their ideas and want them to present ideas using their own language and voice
- understand the teachers' guidelines for group and individual work
- understand and use technology and library resources properly
- acknowledge resources in appropriately cited bibliographies
- seek guidance from teachers when unsure how to follow rules of academic honesty
Academic Dishonesty
Students act with integrity and honesty; they take responsibility for their own actions. Academic dishonesty, which is also known as cheating, includes:
- Collusion - Helping someone else cheat, such as allowing your own work to be coped by another who is expected to do their own work.
- Misconduct - Refusing to follow directions, such as taking test materials from a classroom or using electronic devices when you are not supposed to.
- Plagiarism - Using the ideas and work of others as your own such as copying language or an image from a book or a website and not citing where it came from.